Love is crucial in our lives and to those that our in our lives. Love will break through it all. Let Love speak the truth. Love hurts. Love will help you understand what matters. Love will find you. Love will unravel you too to Core. Love will break your heart. Love will inspire you to believe. Love will bring you out of the darkness. Love will make its way to you. Let Love Break You for out of the break you will truly find what you are looking for and help you find meaning in life. Let us not live in words or talk of Love but in action with Love. Act in love don’t just talk about it. Love on those that need a heart. Love on those that need an ear. Love on those that need a hand. Show and model Love for others for if someone who has never been loved can not Love. Love is a heart attitude don’t waste your time being unloving to others even if you feel they don’t deserve it. Pray a...
No matter where you grew up or who you grew up with, you grew up believing in something. The outside world or those in your inner circle as a kid helped shape who have become today. Those upbringings put us in a place of believing in something. Some of those things that we believed as kids we wished we could forget and still are trying to overcome. Some of those things that we believed as kids put us on a path of helping and inspiring others right from the get go. No matter what you believe, You and I have an opportunity to change things for the better or enhance what is strength in us. How much of the day do you spend with yourself? If you are like me it’s 100% of the day whether I’m asleep or wake, I’m always with myself. I like you, have the greatest opportunity to influence myself day in and day out. What I say about myself and what I think about myself day-to-day puts me on a path that I start believing in something. I shape my days with these thoughts and a...