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Everyone Believes in Something

No matter where you grew up or who you grew up with, you grew up believing in something. The outside world or those in your inner circle as a kid helped shape who have become today. 

Those upbringings put us in a place of believing in something. Some of those things that we believed as kids we wished we could forget and still are trying to overcome. Some of those things that we believed as kids put us on a path of helping and inspiring others right from the get go. 

No matter what you believe, You and I have an opportunity to change things for the better or enhance what is strength in us. 

How much of the day do you spend with yourself? If you are like me it’s 100% of the day whether I’m asleep or wake, I’m always with myself. I like you, have the greatest opportunity to influence myself day in and day out.  What I say about myself and what I think about myself day-to-day puts me on a path that I start believing in something. I shape my days with these thoughts and actions and put them into play in my daily interactions. Some days I hurt people. Some days I inspire people. All days I have a choice. All days I start believing in something.

The last two years I have struggled within myself and let negative self-talk and doubt creep in and I started believing in something, that I am not good enough. Do you ever feel that way? If you have you are not alone. 

Here's what I learned to believe. I am not my past. Those roots I planted as a kid that I no longer want to be a part of my life, I have an opportunity to make them better or eliminate. Those roots I planted as a kid that I believe make me stronger in my interaction with those who are around I have an opportunity to share and help them grow. But this can only be done through the things I say to myself daily. Sure I may mess up but I'm not doomed. Sure I may make a mistake but it does not define me. Sure I may disappoint someone but I have an opportunity to make it right. Sure I am not always right but who is?

If You and I start talking to ourselves in a way that gives us hope than we have a great opportunity in believing in something that will change our lives and help those around us and help ourselves. 

You spend all day with yourself so why not start dropping positive messages to yourself to keep your mind right and your soul set in a positive direction. 

I want to believe in something and that something is that You and I are meant for great things no matter what the day brings. 

God is Good. His grace redeems. His Love carries. 


