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Everyday I get to get up and Go. My next day is not guaranteed. The only day I have is the one I’m in. Even then, the day I’m in, might not last the full 24 hours. The day I’m in is not mine. It has been provide for me to GO!

2020 has been an emotional one. For EVERYONE and still you went into the day not because it needed you but because someone needed you whether you knew it or not and maybe you will never know. 

I struggled hard. Did you? I struggled some days to Go and show up. I found some days I was dazed and confused trying to put pieces together to support my family, my school family, and my community. Not sure how good I did but I do know that I did everything with Love. 

I spent more moments in 2020 being hesitant, being reluctant, and being cautious when I know in my heart I should have gone, but I fought myself for fear of not having all the answers,  lack of trust in my ability with the unknown, and even being uncomfortable with not being in my comfort zone with myself.

In 2021 I will not hold back. I will not fear. I will trust myself. I will Go, be uncomfortable with being uncomfortable because I need to Go be in the day, the moment, the opportunity as I might not get a second chance.

In the words of Lecrae Send me, I’ll GO!

Go into the fires. Go into the floods. Go into to the darkness and Go with the light to shine it in all situations.

I will Go and help. I will Go and support. I will Go and serve.

I will Go in faith.  I will Go in Hope. I will Go in the name of Love. 

I will Go into the unknown.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

Everyday I Go I don’t know if I will make a difference or be the problem, but I know if I don’t Go I won’t know. I’d rather Go and be in the moment whichever way it goes because I will be ready with the armor of Faith, Hope, and Love.

Everyday I will go to serve and not be served. I will Go because I get to.l Go. I will go because to someone it will matter! 

Will you Go when the time comes to answer the call?



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