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Why do you fight?

Why do you fight?
Do you get up every morning or go to bed every night and know what you are willing to fight for?
Not every fight is the same. Some fights in life last longer than others and some fights you just have to walk away from. Those that you had to walk away from are not because you were not good enough, it just wasn't your time or that fight was not meant to be won by you. 

Be fast, be quick, be ready to stand your ground as your fight is not over. The previous fight that you fought will prepare you for the next one. If you get knocked down get back up and help teach others to do the same. 

Fight the good fight. Someone is going to need your strength to stand up for them. Someone is going to need you in their corner. Someone is going to need you lead them or help them up when they fall in their fight. 

Fight for the weak. Fight for the less fortunate. Fight for the underdog. Fight for love. Fight for hope. Fight for good. Fight for your dreams. Fight for what sets your soul on fire. 

Stay quick on your feet, put your guard up, and move. Fight for it. Let’s roll!
Why do you fight?

