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How Did I Get Here?

99% of how I got here has nothing to do with me and has everything to do with those around me. You could say they have been strategically placed on my path at the right place and the right time when I have needed them the most. And I have needed people all my life because without them and their relationships negative or positive I wouldn’t be here where I’m at, at this point in my life.

I can tell you right now that the 1% that has not been others, has been me and are the things I can control, and those have been my actions and my words. Leave no mistake, I have said and done some stupid things that have hurt people along my journey, but I’ve learned through relationships that it’s all a work in progress, and when you hurt people, you need to make it right, not for you but for the person’s you’ve hurt. On the other side with my actions and voice, I have been able to serve and support many along my journey.

100% of my life I’ve been given the grace to make mistakes, be real, and be vulnerable. What I do with that grace is how I got here! The grace given to me, I receive daily, from my family, my friends, my colleague, and my community. Most importantly the grace that I have been given is from the higher power I answer to and serve.

Make no mistake how I got here is not for the faint of heart. It’s been a journey of triumphs, let downs, heartaches, tragedy, a brain surgery, over the moon joy, love struck and everything in between.  My story is a story of Faith, Hope, and Love! I have a second chance at life.

How did I get here? The same way you did, through 99% of those around you, 1% you, and 100% grace-filled with Faith, Hope, and Love.

How will you use your 1% of control to get people around you, HERE in their lives?

Let’s roll!
